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Poly Crystalline Solar PV module

Polycrystalline solar is made by pouring molten silicon into a cast. However, because of this construction method, the crystal structure will form imperfectly, creating boundaries where the crystal formation breaks. This gives the polycrystalline silicon its distinctive, grainy appearance, as the gemstone type pattern highlights the boundaries in the crystal.

Because of these impurities in the crystal, polycrystalline silicon is less efficient when compared with monocrystalline. However, this manufacturing process uses less energy and materials, giving it a significant cost advantage over monocrystalline silicon. (Polycrystalline and multicrystalline are often synonyms, but multicrystalline is often meant to refer to silicon with crystallites larger than 1 mm.)

Poly Crystalline Module Size and Specifications:

Module Wattage Module Size Voc (V) Vmp (V) Isc (A) Imp (A) System Voltage
10 Wp 285 X 350 X 22 mm 23.07 19.76 0.74 0.7 12 V
20 Wp 410 x 350 x 22 mm 23.06 19.69 1.33 1.23 12 V
25Wp 480 x 550 x 35 mm 23.07 19.74 1.45 1.38 12 V
25Wp 550 x 350 x 35 mm 23.07 19.71 1.45 1.38 12 V
40 Wp 450 x 670 x 35 mm 23.02 19.55 2.22 2.1 12 V
50 Wp 550 x 670 x 35 mm 23.05 19.7 2.97 2.8 12 V
60Wp 590 x 670 x 35 mm 23.08 19.63 3.34 3.15 12 V
80 Wp 800 x 670 x 35 mm 23.06 19.69 4.45 4.21 12 V
110 Wp 1050x670 x 35 mm 23.09 19.51 5.94 5.61 12 V
125 Wp 1200x670 x 35 mm 23.08 19.68 6.68 6.31 12 V
170 Wp 1485x670 x 35 mm 23.1 19.67 8.91 8.42 12 V
275 Wp - 60 cells 1640x992 x 40 mm 38.39 32.89 8.9 8.45 24 V / On grid
275 Wp-72 cells 1640x992 x 35 mm 46.15 39.49 7.4 7.01 24 V / On grid
340 Wp - 72 cells 1955x992 x 40 mm 46.18 39.54 8.9 8.45 24 V / On grid
Module Wattage Module Size Voc (V) Vmp (V) Isc (A) Imp (A) System Voltage
250 Wp - 12 V 1490x992 x 35 mm 23.039 19.58 13.36 12.62 12 V
275 Wp - 12 V 1640x992 x 40 mm 23.04 19.63 14.8 14.02 12 V
340 Wp - 12 V 1955x992 x 40 mm 23.07 19.91 17.8 16.9 12 V
Module Wattage Module Size Voc (V) Vmp (V) Isc (A) Imp (A) System Voltage
170 Wp-72Cells Pumping 1485X670X 35 mm 46.19 39.52 4.45 4.21 24/ On Grid /Pumping
250 Wp - 72 cells Pumping 1490x992x35 mm 46.2 39.52 6.68 6.31 24/ On Grid /Pumping
250 Wp-60 cells Pumping 1490x992 x 35 mm 38.41 32.94 7.71 7.28 24/ On Grid /Pumping